MADWA BoD meeting @ Loftus home
In attendance:
President- Mark Haywood (on teleconference)
Treasurer- Gary Reineke
Secretary- Brian Loftus

Meeting began at 5pm CDT

Also, in attendance, MADWA resident -James Zachau

Meeting to review where we are at with the following topics:

Contractor Meeting updates. Only waiting on Krech bid. Will give
them a deadline of Thursday, March 17th.

Individual homeowner design meetings have been successful. 95% completed.
Feedback has been tracked by board.

Reviewed homeowners who have not sent back the signed release- next steps

Motion #1
Gary Reineke motion to Not hire FBS to supervise contracted remediation.
2nd by Mark Haywood. Motion passes.

Motion #2
Gary Reineke motion to cancel online banking process after home remediation
is completed. 2nd by Mark Haywood. Motion passes.

Meeting adjourned at 6 pm CDT