Minutes of Board Meeting

MDW HomeownersÕ Association

Held at Jan KunzeÕs home

October 13, 2005


1.  The minutesof the August 30, 2005 meeting were approved as written.


2.  TreasurerÕsReport:


Karen Sturm gave the TreasurerÕsReport showing expenses are on plan, the reserve account is up to date and duesare up to date.


3.  ManagementPractices:


a.    The Board has agreed to put together a set of standardpractices to guide us in all aspects of the BoardÕs responsibilities.


b.   Orv talked with Al Holland,  our State Farm agent regarding our insurance liability situation and whether we need to takeout additional coverage. These are Mr. HollandÕs opinions and recommendations.

(1).  Anyone who supplies a service to us forremuneration should be required to provide a ÒCertificate of InsuranceÓdocument for our files. This includes our lawn service, snow remover,  handyman we hire for any reason,electricians,  irrigation services,  etc. If we pay for the service, we needto get a Certificate.

2).  We should ask Conceirge (because theyare here regularly) to add us on their policies as Òadditional insuredÓ whichwill allow us to get notices from their insurance companies if they fail to paytheir premiums and subsequently have no coverage. This allows us the time totake action to ensure there is coverage or they do not set foot on ourproperty. This same action should be taken on any contract we have with someonefor regular service.

(3).  Volunteered services by our residentsor anyone else does not require us to have coverage for them. They areself-insured when it comes to volunteer services, but we should be sure thatour residents understand that we are not providing any coverage for them andexpect them to be insured on their own.


 4.  Committee Actions:


The Maintenance Committee hasidentified problems with the pavers in our driveways. The pavers are sunken insome areas so a solution is needed. The committee will be asked to suggest aform of action.


Zimmerman, who recently did ourstucco repairs, will give the formula to Jerry McNevin who has agreed to doadditional repairs as needed. Please let a Board member know if you haveconcerns with the stucco on your home.


Concrete issues are stillongoing,  the Board is pursuinghaving a concrete analyses firm

Do a study of our situation andmake recommendations in all areas where concrete is used,

i.e. driveways, steps, patios. Thismay include taking core samples to study the compaction

of the subsurfaces.




a.  Our Holiday Party has been  scheduled for December 9, 2005. Do we have any volunteers to host the party this year?

b.  Orv will work on setting up a website for MDW Association toachieve better communication with our members.


6. Next Meeting: January 12, 2006 at Karen SturmÕs home



Respectfully submitted byJan Kunze