Special Meeting of Board and MADWAresidents

May 15, 2006



Themeeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by President of the Board, OrvBratland. There were 24 families/houses represented.



Adiscussion was held concerning the proposed amendment to the Bylaws of theMasters of DeaconÕs Walk, which would change the terms of office for each Boarddirector from 2 to 3 years. The reason for the proposed change was that ourbylaws now require that we elect 2 directors every other year and one directorin the intervening years. This results in a situation when in every other year,only one director remains on the Board and the 2 new ones join the board forthe following 2 years. This does not provide adequate continuity on the Boardand imposes substantially on the one director who is the only carryover member.The motion was made and seconded to adopt the proposed amendment. One directorshall be elected at each Annual Meeting for a term of 3 years, except at thefirst Annual Meeting following this change adoption, 2 directors shall beelected; 1 for a 1 year term and 1 for a 3 year term.



Orvexplained the reasoning of moving the Annual Meeting from August to a laterdate to better coordinate with the end of the fiscal year. After a discussionabout holding the Annual Meeting in January, it was decided that several peoplewould be unable to attend during that time and that November seems to be moreacceptable to a greater number of people.



An openforum was held as members reviewed the new proposed Rules and Regulations forMADWA. We had previously been governed by the Rules and Regulations of DeaconÕsWalk. Items of discussion included: picking up dog excrement, a fee scale forviolations, the parking of recreational vehicles or extra cars in the street ordriveways, who will enforce the Rules and Regulations, why we need Rules andRegulations. It is not the BoardÕs intent to raise fines, but to clarify. Ourrules will not be adopted if they are not consistent with the DeaconÕs WalkRules and Regulations. The Board feels that common sense is the best rule.



Orvreported that the core drilling at the MerrillÕs concluded that the drivewaysinking is not due to poor cement, but a soil problem.


Meetingwas adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

Respectfullysubmitted by Jan Kunze