AUGUST30, 2005
RollCall - 23 families were represented, with2 signed proxies
Minutesof 8/19/04 were shown and approved without changes
PresidentÕsAnnual Report:
Evagave an overview of projects and activities of the past year. Our Lawn/snowremoval is now being done by Concierge, which gave us a lower bid than thecompany we used last year. The pond was rocked on all four sides with help fromDeaconÕs Walk HomeownersÕ Association and residents. A Maintenace Committe was formed to keep tab on tree andshrub replacement. Our Treasurer,Orv Bratland, set up a new savings account for dedicated reserve funds. He alsoestablished a fully automated dues transfer system. Ongoing projects aredriveway and stucco problems. We have 4 new families in our neighborhood. Ourannual picnic was enjoyed by all again, as well as our annual Christmas party.
Orvpresented the Proposed Expense Budget for Ô05 (final) and 2006. He explainedour Insurance Coverage and costs. He reported the status of our CD and SavingsAccount at Village Bank. He explained why there is a need for a dues increaseeffective in October from $160 to $175 per month. Thevote on the Budget wasapproved with no questions or concerns.
Wethank Jerry McNevin who is stepping down and being replaced by Bill Aschenbachon the Maintenance Committee. They willmeet to do their walk-arounds tosee what needs to be done with further stucco repair as well as concreterepairs.
Stuccorepairs have been done by Bill Zimmerman with a recommendation that the formulabe obtained for our own use in the future.
Shrubshas been trimmed by Concierge with another pruning/trimming of shrubs and treesbeing scheduled for this fall.
Drivewayswere discussed further. Joe Leon recommended sealing them on a regular basis toavoid greater cost later. Orv Bratland will get an opinion from Cemstone.Arlene Williams mentioned the possibility of mudjacking sinking driveways.
JerryMcNevin has given 5 years of devoted service in doing most of our irrigationsystem repairs. An appeal was put forth for someone to take over this job, orweÕll have to hire the work to be done.
EvaJeppson made a suggestion to get our ÒyearsÓ in sync-either by changing ourBudget to run from August to August, or having our Annual Meeting and terms ofoffice run January to January. Also a suggestion to appoing or recruit aMastersÕ resident to a ByÕLaws Committee to develop guidelines and rules formaintaining our Association in a pleasing, consistent manner.
DickMerrill volunteered to look at guidelines and rules from other TownhomeAssociations for use in establishing our own for our MasterÕs Association,
NewBoard Member:
KarenSturm volunteered to fill the one new vacancy on the Board. She was unanimouslyvoted in. We thank her and especially thank Eva Jeppson for her fine workduring the past 2 years.
Meetingwas adjourned.