MADWA BoardMeeting Minutes
January 7, 2009 atDick Merrill’s home
Attendees were Dick Merrill, Gary Reinecke, Mark Haywood andCindy Pedersen
Meeting was called to order at 9:10 am
- Board voted to proceed with homeowner association meeting regarding special assessments. Article 3 section 4 calls for a special meeting with written notice 21-30 days in advance. 50% of homeowners required to be in attendance or by proxy and 67% must vote in favor.
- Dick Merrill read a letter from Hellmuth & Johnson (H&J) with costs so the board could calculate the assessment amount.
- Cindy of Cedar Management to prepare proxy’s & ballots for mailing to homeowners along with copy of the H&J letters.
- Scheduled a special meeting for 1/22/09 at 7:00 pm
- Board reviewed attorney’s letter dated 1/06/09 covering MADWA’s responsibility to the homeowners per by laws.
- Board discussed how the special assessment would be collected. Board agreed that 10 installments of $400 per month starting in March 2009 with a total of $4000 that would be collected.
- Cedar Management confirmed to the board that the MADWA tax returns had been prepared. The Board also confirmed that Cedar Management will also prepare the necessary annual State of Minnesota filings.
- Cindy Pedersen of Cedar Management also confirmed that our snow plow contractor will also spread salt on our driveways as needed. Cindy to negotiate pricing for this additional service.
- Meeting was adjourned at 10:00 am.
Respectfully submitted by:
Mark Haywood-Secretary