MADWA Annual Meeting

November 30, 2006

Held at TPC


The meetingwas called to order by President Orv Bratland and he presented the PresidentÕsAnnual Report:


Projectsdealt with in 2006 include:


Accomplishmentsby the Board this past year include:


Plansfor the 2007 year include:


Insurancecoverage and Reserve Funds were presented

A letter from resident Norb Koch was discussed and the

consensus was that we need to establish a fund forreplacements of roofs, major painting, and stucco repair. A motion was madethat such a fund be established with the goal to be able to cover expenses ofthis kind and to revisit the issue regularly. Jim Anderson made the motion toaccept reserve plans as outlined in option 3 and revisit them on a regularbasis. The motion was seconded by Wally Russell and Mike Chmieleski. The motionwas passed by a hand vote of 13 families for option C and 2 families for optionA.



            KarenSturm presented the 2006 budget and expenses for the proposed 2007 budget. Thequestion of driveway sealing was made from the audience; Orv Bratland statedthat it was not in the plan. A discussion was held as to responsibility andworth of sealing our driveways. A motion was made by Jim Anderson to accept2007 budget and was seconded by Bob Sturm.


Electionof Board Members:

There are 2open seats, one for a 1-year term and one for a 3-year term. The floor was openfor nominations. Dick Merrill volunteered for the 3-year term and Orv Bratlandagreed to stay on an additional year to fill the 1-year term. The motion wasmade and accepted.



The lawnand snow service contract with Concierge was discussed. Orv asked for inputfrom residents and it was decided to renew the contract with Concierge, but toalso look at other bids from other lawn and snow services.


A reminderwas given about the Christmas Party at the Bratland home on Friday, December 8at 7 p.m.


The meetingwas adjourned.