September 17, 2007
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
The Board also is soliciting a bid for some tree trimming tobe done this fall. New controllersfor irrigation system have been purchased and installed.
The second item of business was our contract with CedarManagement Company. The contractwas signed September 17, 2007 and in attendance was Cindy Pedersen, who will beour community association manager. Cedar Management will be sending a letter to all homeowners to introducethe company and Cindy. Payment ofassociation fees will continue with an automatic payment to Village Bank andthose that do not have an automatic payment will be mailed directions forfuture payments.
The Treasurer reviewed the cash status and the year-to-datebudget versus expenses. The budgetis on target for the year. Thechecking account balance stands at $5,629.25 with unpaid bills of approximately$1,500.00. The reserve balancestands at $46,078.81.
Hail Damage.
We have not received the report from the insurance adjusternor any funds to date. The Boarddoes not have enough information to identify which roofs are to bereplaced. The Board has identifieda contractor (the same one as originally did the roofs) to commence doing therepairs when funds are available. Residents will be notified as soon as possible and the approximate date whenrepairs will commence.
New Business.
The next scheduled meeting isOctober 25, 2007, at Dick MerrillŐs home at 7:00 p.m.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Dick Merrill.