Memo to: Greg Chismar Ð ChismarConstruction


From:       Gary Reinecke Ð Treasurer                                  cc:MADWA BOARD


Subject:  MADWABoard meeting December 19, 2008


We discussed your progress onthe open items to date and the work yet to be completed.


Completion of the gusset work was noted. We appreciate yourchecking each and every deck.


The board agreed to back out the screen, overhead garagedoor panel and window casement work from your contract per the list yousupplied on December 12th.

$3,015.35 will be deducted from the balance of $39,427.05making the new balance due on our contract $36,411.35.


Dick Merrill verified that the painter power washed the deckboards prior to painting. We also appreciated the use of a high quality SherwinWilliams paint. We would like the paint spec used so we can get touch up paintfor future use.


Open items include:

  1. There are a few shingles that are Òsticking upÓ Ð typically at the edge of the roof.
  2. There are still a few gutter extensions that need to be installed.
  3. There are several leaking gutters. In fact, two more homes have reported leaking gutters since we met last week.
  4. We need a written statement of your warranty on the roofing, gutters and painting


During our December 12thmeeting we discussed setting up a day between April 15th and mid May2009 to water test all gutters for leaks. At this time Randy and his peoplewould be there to repair any leaky or faulty gutters and any missing down spoutextensions would be installed. Also at this time you would fix any shingleissues. It is important to us that once started; you keep at the task until itis complete.


We would also like your assurancethat all work would be completed by June 1st.

If the work is not completed bythen we would like you to sign a release allowing us to hire another contractorto complete the above tasks and deduct any payments to said contractor fromfunds remaining on our contract. If this is agreeable to you we will draft anew agreement for both parties to sign.


The board authorized a release of$25,000 which leaves a balance of $11,411.35 to complete the unfinished taskslisted above.